Cannabis Funding Simplified.

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Our Story.

Our team has spent YEARS advising large scale specialty clients entering or existing in the cannabis space. We have assisted these clients in realizing a vision and converting it into a successful project and ultimately positioning to a financial exit or acquisition.

Much like our colleagues in the industry we charged a LOT of money for these services. And to be frank, rightfully so. People like us make a HUGE impact on the success of a company, and are absolutely essential to real success.

However.. we discovered very quickly that our industry was a MESS with bad partners, bad clients, bad investors, bad colleagues, ETC! We couldn't stand it anymore, there were too many snakes. We were appalled seeing how some people "played the system" and won "social equity" licenses, just to swindle them into passing it over to larger investors or Big Cannabis Corporations. Small business cannabis needs better representation, period.

We recently did a TON of work for social equity clients and learned a few things... First, it takes the same amount of work on our end, regardless of our clients' social or economic status. Second, we found 100% more career satisfaction working with the average cannabis entrepreneur. We still love our large clientele, but it made us really re-think our industries business model... for the BETTER.

Why not "un-package" our services a little bit, add to our team, and position ourselves to service the masses!? This is a TOUGH industry, why not allow EVERY client to have access to our resources that we have developed over the years?

We approach things MUCH differently. We are a Christian Owned Company, and make it a point to only work with clients & vendors who ditch the drama and keep it ethical. We take the intellectual property and resources traditionally ear-marked for big industry players, and pass them to the average cannabis company. We believe everyone deserves to achieve their dreams, not just the "Big Dogs".

Instead of being EXCLUSIVE to specialty clients, let's be INCLUSIVE, and get a win for everyone?

Let CannaBid help you WIN!

Come Join Our Revolution!

CannaBid was fast and easy. I really enjoyed having a dedicated funding agent, and it was all free.

I know how much consultants charge for these services. I went with their 100x package for advisory and marketing. It was a no brainer!

A cannabis business is expensive to operate. It's nice to finally have recurring funding set up without all the traditional obstacles!

Need Professional Advisory or Marketing?

Check out our marketing & management agency.

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